The Emotion Cognition and Computation Lab works at the intersection of psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and machine learning to investigate cognitive and affective behaviors in humans.

We study the neural and computational underpinnings of human cognition and emotion. Emotions are central to human experience, have widespread influences on cognition, behavior, health, and well-being, and are notoriously difficult to define scientifically. This difficulty is a well-known paradox; even though people report experiencing emotions discretely and have common sense categories for them, there are no consensus measures that scientists can use to determine if an individual is in a particular emotional state. Our goal is to address this challenge by developing biologically grounded models of cognitive and affective phenomena. Toward this goal, we integrate techniques including fMRI, peripheral physiological recording, and computational modeling of human behavior.

Philip Kragel
Assistant Professor of Psychology

(404) 727-3409

Emory Department of Psychology
The Facility for Neuroscience Education and Research